
San Francisco, CA. — Sea World is responsible for the death of thousands of the dolphins and whales they claim to use for public education. That is the thread of the first comprehensive documentary film to explore the sordid history of the captive whale and dolphin display industry. A Fall From Freedom, an 82-minute film, produced by the San Francisco-based EarthViews Productions, includes interviews with scientists, marine mammal biologists, former trainers, activists, and current marine park representatives.

Narrated by Mike Farrell (M*A*S*H, Providence), the film digs deep into the history of the captive dolphin and whale industry. Topics covered in the film include:

• Sea World representatives secretly promoted the Japanese dolphin drives where thousands of animals are driven to shore and brutally killed, in order to provide their parks with replacement animals — says Dr. John Hall, former Sea World biologist.

• Marine parks in the U.S. and abroad are responsible for the deaths of trainers by captive killer whales, with hundreds of injuries unreported or covered up by payoffs and non-disclosure agreements — states former Sea World biologist Dr. John Hall and former Sea World killer whale trainer Dr. John Jett.

• There is no educational value to having whales or dolphins in a captive environment — says Dr. Naomi Rose, biologist for Humane Society International.

• Contrary to the claims of many marine parks and aquariums, captive killer whales die far more frequently and at a far earlier age than they do in the wild — states former Sea World biologist Dr. John Hall.

• Sea World has been involved in illegal and unethical actions to assure their parks are well stocked with killer whales — states former Sea World biologist Dr. John Hall.

• The Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums has worked tirelessly to reduce government oversight on the health and well-being of captive whales and dolphins — states Dr. Naomi Rose.

• Sea World representatives have claimed that whales and dolphins are not highly intelligent, sophisticated, and social animals, when dozens of the world’s leading experts assert that their intelligence and social dependence is second only to humans

• Sea World and other marine parks claimed that the rehabilitation and release back to the wild of Keiko, star of the Free Willy movie, was a failure from the start. Dave Phillips of the Free Willy-Keiko Foundation argues that the project was a rousing success, which proved that these animals can be taken from captivity, rehabilitated and returned to the wild

A Fall From Freedom is a well-researched and comprehensive history of marine parks and aquariums worldwide that hold whales and dolphins for public entertainment. The film was sponsored and underwritten by Friends of Animals, Humane Society of the U.S., Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, BlueVoice, the American SPCA, The Summerlee Foundation, the Donald Slavik Family Foundation, and The Campbell Foundation, The film is available for viewing free to the public by logging onto its website at www.afallfromfreedom.com.

EarthViews Productions has been producing environmental documentaries for nearly 40 years, including Where Have All the Dolphins Gone?, a one-hour film on the killing of dolphins during tuna fishing operations, hosted by the late George C. Scott, which was broadcast primetime on Discovery Channel and was partly responsible for all U.S. tuna canners accepting only dolphin-safe tuna. Its other films include The Free Willy Story: Keiko’s Journey Home, a primetime Discovery Channel original program, narrated by Rene Russo, and a primetime TBS Special, A World With Dolphins, hosted by Bridget Fonda.


Stan Minasian
Executive Director/Senior Producer
EarthViews Productions
Fort Mason, Quarters 35N
San Francisco, CA 94123
415 775-4636
Photos available upon request